Discover the magic of creativity
MISSION: To enhance well being through creativity, connection, and artistic expression in the Valley.
Long time, no see.
That’s how your inner artist is going to greet you when you walk in the door. She’s been waiting for you. So have we.
Let us introduce ourselves.
We are open-ended, a community arts studio that serves as a creative space and a gathering place.
With an emphasis on process not product, we return people to connection with their natural creativity through guided experiences with the creative arts.
Your wait is over. No more excuses. This is going to be easy.
Our Programs
The perfect setting for exploring a full range of creative processes. We provide the materials, the coaching, the company, and the clean up. You just show up ready to connect with your inner creator.
Drop in sessions Fridays 10-1 and Mondays 6-8.
Curated especially for you, artists, teachers, and facilitators from the Bitterroot and beyond are brought into the studio to share their passions and expertise. A festival of choices for your hungry inner artist: cold wax painting, art journaling, and improv; wild soul movement, dreamwork and voice; mixed media, fiction writing, ceramics and collage. Let the feast begin.
Fees vary per workshop. 10% discount for MEMBERS
Fostering community gets us high, so several group offerings occur regularly. Full moon labyrinth walks, sound baths, and oracle readings; peace dances, wisdom teachings, kirtan, and drum circles. We can definitely get woo-woo (and we can sell you a crystal too). Special seasonal offerings of folk arts and Maker’s Markets mean you’ll only be alone if you want to.
Most of these happen by donation and devotion.