June 5, 12, and 26
Qigong (chee' gung) - the practice of cultivating vital energy and developing the energetic body. In this class you will learn: four gentle exercises to nurture your heart, and to connect with heaven (the universe) and earth; two colorful meditations; practical dietary suggestions. A detailed handout will help as you continue your practice at home. Dress for movement and stillness. Bring a writing instrument and water. Eat lightly before class.
$36 for all 3 classes
In the mid-1980's, Kirk Norby started practicing qigong while learning Yang Style Tai Chi. Since that time, he has learned and practiced many exercises and several qigong meditations and self-massage sequences. Over time, he has become increasingly aware of the multi-layered benefits of these practices. He enjoys sharing qigong with others so they can realize the benefits, too.